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Acne is a skin condition that is very common and many people experience acne at some point in their lives. Spots tend to form on the face, shoulders, chest and back. Acne can be mild, such as in the form of blackheads and whiteheads, or considered more severe in the form of cysts for example, which is more likely to lead to scar formation. Most people pick their acne when it appears in the form of pimples, but this sometimes results in acne scarring.
Acne is caused by the blockage of hair follicles in the skin. There are tiny holes in the skin where hairs grow out, which are called hair follicles. Immediately beneath the skin are sebaceous glands, which are attached to the hair follicles. These glands secrete oily fluid (sebum) which helps to lubricate the skin and hair on the skin.
The formation of acne usually starts from puberty. During puberty, pregnancy and the menstrual cycle in women, an excess amount of oil is produced as a result of increased hormone levels.
During periods of increased hormone secretion, there is increased sebum production by the glands. Dead skin cells mix with sebum to form a plug that blocks the sweat pores or hair follicles. The plugged sweat pore can bulge outward when it’s located close to the skin to form a whitehead, while a blackhead can be caused by the opening of the plugged follicle
People who are aged between 14 to 19 are most likely to be affected by acne, their symptoms tend to begin to disappear when they are in their mid-20s. This is due to hormone changes as they go through puberty, but it can continue into adulthood.
Testosterone: In teenagers of all genders, testosterone is found to be the major cause of acne. During puberty, there is an increase in the production of testosterone, which leads to development into adulthood. The glands in the skin are sensitized by this hormone and begin to secrete more sebum.
Heredity: There is a possibility that acne ‘runs in the family’, this means that a tendency to get acne can be inherited by children from parents, but there’s no acne gene.
Being a woman: Most women at some point in their life develop acne due to factors including; menstruation, pregnancy and polycystic ovary syndrome. These conditions trigger increase hormone secretion which affects the glands to secrete more sebum. Making acne flare ups more common in women than in men.
Diet: If your acne is not caused by body imbalances or hereditary factors, your diet and lifestyle may be a contributor. There could be a certain aspect of your diet that could trigger changes to your hormones, so maintaining a balanced diet is recommended for your general well-being. Although there are experts that argue diet has no direct impact on acne.
Adult Acne: Adults over 25+ can continue to have adult acne, which is typically worsened by stress. In response to stress, our bodies produce more androgen, which stimulates the oil glands and hair follicles in the skin and then causes breakouts. This explains why acne can be an ongoing problem into adulthood.
Oily skin should be washed regularly and gently with soap.Avoid activities that enhance too much sweating.
Prevent your hair from covering your face when it becomes too oily.
Washing the hair should be done frequently.
Avoid touching your face with dirty hands, thus prevents bacteria growth and reduces the tendency of Acne formation.
Acne spots appear on the face, neck, chest, shoulders and back, and more severe forms of acne can remain there for a long time. There are a variety of different acne spot types;
Blackheads: These are dark or black-coloured small spots of acne found on the skin. The black colour is a result of pigmentation in the inner lining of the hair follicle.
Whiteheads: These spots are often white in colour but blackheads do not completely empty when picked or squeezed as the pore is closed.
Pustules: These pimples have white or yellowish pus-filled heads, and bulge out from the surface of the skin.
Nodular Acne: These are hard red lumps that are located beneath the skin’s surface. This can be very painful and often doesn’t contain a white or blackhead in the middle. This is considered a more severe type of acne that will require a medical professional.
Cystic Acne: Cystic acne is an uncommon, painful, severe type of acne. These are large, inflamed spots filled with pus that appear like boils, and can form scars when squeezed.
The major complication of acne spots is when they burst, they damage surrounding skin tissues, forming scars. They are also at risk of being infected when picked or squeezed. Acne causes stress in some individuals and can affect your mental health.
If left untreated, acne can lead to acne scars. Acne scars may remain on your face, neck, shoulder or chest forever. Getting your acne scars removed is more difficult than treating acne.
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